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Yearling Flag Ceremony

Yearling Flag Ceremony

For the past several years, this event has occurred at the promotion ceremony of Cadet Field Training at Camp Buckner. The Affiliation Class presents the new Yearling Class with its set of Class Colors which consists of a beautiful Class Flag mounted on a brass-tipped staff. The presentation of the colors is preceded by announcements of unit and individual awards for Cadet Field Training. At the conclusion of this event, the members of the Affiliation Class in attendance (approximately a half-dozen) join the awardees and class officers in a small reception. 

1975 Presents to 2025 | 1973 Presents to 2023 | 1972 Presents to 2022 | 1969 Presents to 2019 | 1968 Presents to 2018 | 1967 Presents to 2017 | 1966 Presents to 2016 | 1965 Presents to 2015