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West Point

Branch Notification Night

First Class Cadets learn the results of their Branch selection during a November ceremony at Eisenhower Hall and the Affiliation Class is once again present. During this significant event a distinguished member of the Affiliation Class speaks to the First Class Cadets about the potential impact of their Branch assignments. Once the Affiliation speaker and Commandant have made their remarks to the Firsties, the First Captain tells the cadets to “Open Envelopes,” at which time they rip open the envelopes containing the official notification of their respective Branches. This notification takes the form of a set of Branch insignia—“First Brass”—provided courtesy of the Affiliation Class.

Class of 2022 | Class of 2021 | Class of 2020 | Class of 2019 | Class of 2018 | Class of 2017 | Class of 2016 | Class of 2015 | Class of 2014 | Class of 2013 Video | Class of 2012 Video | '62 Speaking to Firsties Video | Class of 2010