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R-Day 2021

The Class of 1975 sponsored three separate Ice Cream Socials for their 50-year affiliate class families during the three Class of 2025 Reception days. These events were in place of the typical breakfast and, due to health constraints, were held outside of the Visitor’s Center at West Point. Over 1000 families attended. At the event, parents met with the 50-Year Affiliates and staff members from WPAOG and learned about the resources available for parents.

With over a dozen members of the Affiliation Class present, the purpose of Ice Cream Social events was to provide the family and friends of the incoming New Cadets a place to relax, enjoy refreshments, and interact with grads.

On Tuesday, two members of the Affiliation Class moved to Trophy Point to join families to witness the swearing-in ceremony that formally initiates the new Class into the Academy.

Ice Cream Social Photos  | R-Day Class of 2025 Photos

See Also

WPAOG Parent Giving Officer


Shelisa Baskerville 845.446.1535