


     As military tactician and strategist, government administrator, and leader of industry, Omar Nelson Bradley has devoted his life to the service of his nation and his fellow man. In successive positions of increasing responsibility in the national interest, both in war and peace, General Bradley has exemplified outstanding devotion to the principles expressed in the motto of the United States Military Academy - Duty, Honor, Country.

     General Bradley's contribution to the security of the United States and the western world is without parallel among living Americans. During World War II, he was selected to command the 12th Army Group, the largest number of combat troops ever assembled under single command in the history of the United States. In this position, General Bradley's profound military scholarship, extraordinary leadership, and uncompromising integrity were major factors in the successful conclusion of World War II. In the years after World War II, first as Chief of Staff of the United States Army, and later as the first Chairman of the United States Joint Chiefs of Staff and first Chairman of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, General
Bradley discharged responsibilities which are unique in the history of United States and international affairs. In these positions he exercised primary influence upon the development and execution of the post World War II military strategy of the United States and the western world.

     Among General Bradley's great achievements is his administration of United States Veteran's Affairs. As head of the Veteran's Administration in the critical post World War II period, he completely reorganized the expanding program and rededicated his leadership and compassion to the peacetime welfare of those millions of American fighting men who had served their country. In this, as in other positions, he amply returned to his fellow soldiers, sailors, and airmen the loyalty and respect that they had given him.

     The full measure of General Bradley's achievements is apparent in his continuing contribution to the national interest through his leadership in business and industry. As Chairman of the Board of a major corporation for many years, he has brought to another important segment of American life
those qualities of character and professionalism which had taken him to the pinnacle of his chosen and cherished career.

     Through his lifetime of service to his country and to his fellow man, General Bradley has made a lasting and invaluable contribution to the security and welfare of the United States. His life and his accomplishments both symbolize and reflect the values inherent in Duty-Honor-Country. Accordingly, the Association of Graduates of the United States Military Academy hereby awards the 1973 Sylvanus Thayer Award to Omar Nelson Bradley `15.