First Call - February 12, 2020

Thank You for Making a Difference

  Thank You from West Point AOG

The West Point Association of Graduates thanks all of our donors who made 2019 such a resounding success! Because of you, we had an outstanding year and raised $48.3 million in cash receipts for the Academy and WPAOG. Year over year, our alumni participation rate continues to grow and in 2019, we reached 37%, a two-percent jump from the year prior. Your gifts and participation strengthen the Academy’s Margin of Excellence programs for cadets and sustain the traditions that honor generations of West Point graduates.

USMA 2020 Learns About Effects of Smartphone Usage

  Effects of Smartphone usage at West Point

USMA hosted Jean Twenge, a professor of psychology at San Diego University, January 31 as part of its Modern War Institute speaker series. Twenge studies generations and the changes that occur between them. She spoke to cadets in the Class of 2020 about the challenges they face as members of what she has deemed "iGen," because they are the first generation to grow up in the age of the smartphone. The lecture continues an emphasis on mental health awareness at the Academy. Read more.

West Point Cadets Develop First eSports Club

  West Point ESports

On January 23, West Point recognized the newest addition to the Cadet Club lineup, the Army West Point eSports Club. Deputy Director of the West Point Simulation Center Victor Castro helped cadets build their gaming environment infrastructure, which currently accommodates them with top-of-the-line PC software and gameplay technology. The club’s mission is to enhance the cadet experience through interactions with competitive gaming while providing them an opportunity to develop themselves within the four pillars of the academy’s leadership objectives: military, physical, academic and character. Full story.

USMA 2020 Cadet Receives Henry O. Flipper Award

  West Point Flipper Award 2020

On February 6 CDT Jaqueline Hamrick '20 received the annual Henry O. Flipper (USMA 1877) Award. The award has been given out during Black History Month each year since 1977 to a firstie cadet who, like Flipper, persevered through unusual adversity during his or her time at West Point. LTG(R) Nadja West ’82 was the guest speaker at the dinner and Kenneth Dixon III, Flipper’s great-great nephew, presented the award. Hamrick’s mother died from brain cancer during her plebe year. This year, she will host the third annual Brain Freeze Challenge to raise money for Voices Against Brain Cancer.  Photos.

West Point Winter 2020 is In the Mail!

  West Point Winter 2020 is In the Mail!

Learn more about West Point’s newest academic majors: Space Science and Applied Statistics & Data Science. Space has always been a part of West Point, with 21 USMA graduates going on to become astronauts and others going on to work for NASA. But with the new Space Science major, cadets in the program will take space-specific classes along with physics, electrical engineering, geography and environmental engineering courses. Plus, see full coverage of this year’s Thayer and Nininger Award winners, Army-Navy weekend, the SPEAR project, and a tsunami at West Point? Just can’t wait? Get a head start with the digital edition!

Be Our West Point Valentine

  WPAOG Gift Shop

The WPAOG Gift Shop has so much to love this February. Stay warm in our signature flannel shirts for men and women or enjoy some fun in the sun with our selection of polos and tees. There is something for every season, with new styles arriving weekly. Shop in store or online at WPAOGGiftShop.com today.

Academic Open House Helps USMA 2023 Find Majors

  Academic Open House Helps USMA 2023 Find Majors

An academic open house on January 22 gave plebes the chance to learn more about each major before signing up. Before being set loose to explore each of the majors, the class attended a briefing with Deputy Registrar COL(R) Russ Lachance ’85 who worked to debunk myths about choosing a major. First and foremost, there was the myth that majors are first come, first served and plebes need to rush to sign up. Instead, he encouraged plebes to check out the various majors, take their time and find something they have a passion for before choosing. If there are limited spots, they will be filled based on order of merit not on who signed up first, he said. Full story.

Save the Date: 27th Annual Alumni Golf Outing

The Alumni Golf Outing at West Point is June 11-13. If you are a golfer, this is a great way to reconnect with alumni, former classmates, and your alma mater. The event includes two rounds of golf, all meals, a boat cruise, and some great prizes! All graduates and their guests are invited! Sign up now if you'd like us to notify you when registration opens in the spring.


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Join us for the Jacksonville, FL SACC 3/26-27

  Join us for the Jacksonville, FL SACC 3/26-27

Transitioning? Ready for a career change? Register for the next Service Academy Career Conference to:

  • Meet with top industry and Forbes 100 companies
  • Explore advanced education opportunities
  • Connect with fellow alumni

Hotel reservations are available at the SACC rate. Employers will be accessing SACCentral in advance, so be sure to create or update your profile and upload your resume by March 6 to be included in the printed resume book. Email WPAOG Career Services or call the career services team at 845.446.1618 for more information.

West Point Graduate Entrepreneur Summit

  West Point Graduate Entrepreneurs Summit

We are pleased to announce that this program was just named a Bronze Winner of the 2020 CASE District II Accolade Award for Alumni Relations and Affinity Programs. The 3rd Annual WPAOG Entrepreneur Summit will take place April 1-2 in Austin, TX. Click here to view a draft agenda and make a hotel reservation. Registration will open mid-February. Only graduates we have coded in our system as Entrepreneurs will receive invitation announcements, so be sure your business information is up-to-date. Would you like to sponsor this event? Or know someone who may? See our sponsorship brochureContact us with any questions.

Happy Valentine’s Day with Love, West Point Style

  West Point Flirty Gate

Most people don’t think of “love” when they think of USMA, but several aspects associated with adoration and affection have become synonymous with West Point. Flirtation Walk, Kissing Rock, the Two Percent Club, other romantic traditions and even leadership. Leadership?! Yes, though it is love pertaining to commitment and devotion, not romance. 
Full story.

Follow WPAOG on Instagram!

  Follow WPAOG on Instagram!

Stay up to date on the latest West Point alumni news! We’ve almost got enough followers to get the “swipe up” feature - help us reach our 10,000 follower goal! From exclusive photography to information on upcoming alumni events, like and share our posts and videos with fellow Old Grads.

The West Point Bookshelf is Moving!

  Calling All West Point Authors!

Don’t worry, it’ll still be found in West Point magazine, but beginning this fall it will now appear in the Fall and Spring issues instead of Winter and Summer. This gives people time to consider your books for holiday gifts! Reserve your space in the Fall 2020 West Point Authors Bookshelf, a specially-priced advertising section in West Point magazine showcasing books by West Point affiliated authors. Check out the latest West Point Bookshelf in the Winter 2020 issue to discover and support these books. Learn more about this and other WPAOG advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

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